Roland TD-27 Sound Module incl. Module Upgrade V2 and Live Sound Edition

Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
Roland TD-27 Modul inkl.Modul Upgrade V2 und
1349 €

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(7 kg shipping weight)

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Roland V-Drums TD-27 E-Drum Module

  • Exclusive and only at drum-tec: Get your Roland TD-27 now with 15 additional, unique drum kits in the Live Sound Edition! Check out the video for more info!
  • Hands-on interface for quick-and-easy selecting and personalizing drum sounds
  • Three digital trigger inputs for advanced Roland trigger pads like the 14" PD-140DS digital snare and 18" CY-18DR digital ride cymbal
  • Stereo mix output and two assignable outputs for sending individual drum sounds to a PA mixer
  • Integrated 28-channel USB audio interface for professional computer music production
  • Onboard Bluetooth for drumming with music from a smartphone or laptop

Roland V-Drums TD-27 E-Drum Module - Versatile sound module with a great sound

The sound engine of the TD-27 convinces with excellent sounds and wide sound variety. The module is built on the Prismatic Sound Modeling technology from the Roland TD-50X module. The TD-27 is the smallest of the drum modules playable with Roland's Digital Pads. Combined with the Digital Snare, Digital Hi-Hat and Digital Ride Cymbal, it faithfully reproduces your performance, delivering expressive, delicate and powerful drum sounds. Wide dynamic range, high-resolution sound gradients, seamless open/close detection of the hi-hat, fine reproduction of accents on head and rim strokes on snare and toms, nuanced sounds of edge and bow strokes on the cymbal pads - the module authentically reproduces what you play!

The TD-27's 75 preset drum kits, including 10 all-new sets and a wide range of samples, can be customized to your liking. Useful parameters such as pitch and EQ are available for this purpose. Ambience, muffling and reverb functions make your sound individual and unique.

Comprehensive Practice Functions

The functionality of the module offers you several features that will make you better. With the Warm Up mode you can call up a daily practice routine that will bring your skills to a new level. The Coach mode with Time Check and Quiet Count makes your timing more precise and lasting.

You can stream your favorite songs from You Tube or Spotify via Bluetooth from laptop or smartphone into the TD-27, so you can drum to your heroes on the headphones. Audio files as loops or sequences can be read in via the SD card slot and assigned in the module to any pad in the set.

Team player in recording and live operation

The 28-channel audio interface and the USB port allow you to integrate your TD-27 into an existing home recording architecture. Professional music production is child's play. The stereo outputs of the module are your interface for the live gig. Your set can be finely and precisely controlled by you in the module, so that you can deliver a perfect stereo E-Drum to the mixing console afterwards. In addition, you can also use the two direct outputs to offer the man at the desk any pads as individual signals.

TD-27 Version 2 Upgrade + drum-tec Live Sound Edition

New Kits - More Functions - Enhanced Effects

Exclusively at drum-tec you get the Roland upgrade to TD-27 version 2 together with the drum-tec Live Sound Edition - on an SD card and in a cool mini hardware case.

Your profit:

  • Original Roland TD-27 system upgrade to version 2.0 with many new functions
  • 10 new Roland kits in premium quality with custom samples like Acoustic and Arena Stage
  • 39 additional instrument samples for each existing Preset Kit or Custom Kit
  • 15 premium drum-tec kits programmed for stage use
  • Attack and sustain control from TD-50X
  • Improved sound layering with cross fade and more precise dynamics controle
  • New Compressor function for studio-like sound processing
  • Trigger support for the new thin V-Cymbals, including CY-12C-T and CY-14R-T

You get the upgrade and the drum-tec Live-Sound-Edition on SD-Card. For installation, simply follow the included QR-CODE to a tutorial. With this you can upgrade your TD-27 to the latest TD-27 V2 in no time.

Components of the Roland TD-27 sound module

  • Roland TD-27 sound module
    • incl. multicore trigger cable (10x jack)
    • incl. module holding plate
    • incl. manual
    • incl. power supply (german power cable (C7))
  • SD-Card with module upgrade V2 and drum-tec Live Sound Edition

Preset Drum Kits: 75
User Kits: 25
Instruments: 728
Sample Based Sounds: No
Sample Import: Yes
Internal memory: 24 min mono / 12 min stereo
External Memory: SD-Card
Layer Sounds: Yes
Positional Sensing: Yes
Digital Pads: Yes
Digital Inputs: 3
Bluetooth Audio: Yes
Instrument Inputs: 12
Dual Zone Tom Pads: Yes
Master Out: 2 x 6,3 mm TS
Direct Outs: 2 x 6,3 mm TRS
MIDI Standard: IN / OUT / THRU
Direct PC Connection: Yes
Internal Play Alongs: No
Metronom: Yes
Metronom Routing: Yes
Pad Connection: Wiring Harness + Single Cables
Holding Plate included: Yes

Product Safety Information and Contact

Manufacturer / Distributor:

Roland Corporation
2036-1 Nakagawa
Hosoe-cho, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu,
Shizuoka, JP, 431-1304

Reviews 5
Customer reviews
10 Dec 2023

Schlechtere Sounds als TD-17 und zu wenig "Live" praktikabel

Sorry, spiele ein TD-17 (mein Eigen) und ein TD-27 (Band gesponsert). Mal ehrlich, das Modul ist sein Geld nicht wert. Viel zu versteckte Optionen - und die Sounds sind schlechter als beim TD-17. Für Live Option nicht gut händelbar. Das sind meine Erfahrungen. Und dann der Mist mit den USB Ports, was soll das? Grüsse aus Kiel

8 Jun 2021

Sounds vom TD 27 gefallen mir überhaupt nicht!!!!

Im Gegensatz zum TD17 klingt das TD27 übel, leider. :-( . Voller Vorfreude habe ich nach dem Aufbauen und Anschließen des Kids eine mega Enttäuschung erlebt. Habe das Kid nach einigen Einstellung einfach nicht zum Klingen gebracht. Roland macht hier meiner Meinung nach vieles falsch. Auch die Drum-Tec Sound Edition gefällt mir leider da auch nicht. Das TD 17 dagegen klingt lebendig und realistisch, so wie man das sich wünscht. Werde das TD 27 zurück geben und mit dem TD 17 spielen.

29 Apr 2021

The perfect set for the intermediate drummer

I actually bought the TD-27 as a rehearsal set. It has the capabilities for 4 toms and 5 cymbals (plus hi-hat, kick and snare). But after a while I find myself making recordings to all of the bands I play in and also making new music with the set.

The sounds are quite dynamic. Rim hits include the sound of the head and the cymbals are - for once - more than decent. You can choose to have snare buzz on the toms, which is cool, though it is still a bit of a nuisance to play with cross stick. (I understand, this is not an issue if you have the digital snare PD-140DS.) It is easy to adjust the set, with the 4 knobs: instrument, level, tuning and muffling. Though preparing the stereo image takes a bit more twiddling.

You can layer the sounds, making even more dynamics. And did I mention the recording capabilities? Very easy to play along with a song and in a snap, you can record your performance.
But it is expensive. I would never spend this kind of money on an acoustic set. Well coming to think of it, I did, if including cymbals. But that is only one good old Taye. With the Roland TD-27 module, you have access to 100 sets, easily adjustable and all very well sounding.

Though I miss the presets of the more whacky sets from the earlier models (industrial). But they are easy to build.
I would recomend the TD-27 as the mid-level module it is. I am a semi professional drummer, and it definitely exceeds my needs. Meaning that there are features in the module I will probably never need. But isn’t it like that with all good electronic musical instruments?

Conclusion: The TD-27 is a versatile, good sounding, easy expandable module with good dynamics.

9 Sep 2020

Modul mit vielen Möglichkeiten

Ich hatte erst gezögert mir dieses Modul zu kaufen, weil mir die Sounds nicht besonders gefielen. Habe mich aber letztendlich doch dazu entschieden und es gegen das TD-25 Modul getauscht. Der Grund dafür ist ganz einfach der, das Roland im Juli ein neues update vorgenommen hat. Man hat u.a. 10 neue zusätzliche Akustik-Kits erstellt und Gleichzeitig alles was Akustik ist komplett neu überarbeitet. Und mit diesen Sounds kann man es kaufen. Hinzu kommt die fülle an Bearbeitungen die wirklich Klasse ist. Eines was mich stört ist die etwas Grobe Dynamische Abstufung der Klangbilder,aber die kann man durch die Bearbeitung auch Vernachlässigen. Und die Sound klingen nicht so plastisch wie beim TD-17,sondern sind in der Klangfarbe dem Original sehr nah. Tolles Modul !

5 Sep 2020

Sound schlechter als TD 17

Das Drummodul hat wirklich viele Applikationsmöglichkeiten. Sehr viele Inputs bzw. Schnittstellen. Aber was bringen die ganzen tollen Funktionen, wenn die Sounds schlecht klingen. Auch die wirklich immer guten Drumtec Sound Editionen schafft es in dem Modul leider nicht in die Region vom deutlich günstigeren TD 17 zu kommen. Wirklich richtig schade, werde es verkaufen, da es klingt , wie aus der Plastik Dose. Keine Dynamik , künstlich mit Software Bearbeitung zwar aufgepimmt, aber ziemlich unnatürlich. Freunde vom Digitalen E Sound könnten es wahrscheinlich recht gut finden. Für jemanden der den natürlichen Drum Sound benötigt, leider unbrauchbar.

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