Rock Classics Sound Edition Roland TD-11 [Download]

Rock Classics Sound Edition Roland TD-11
32 €

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drum-tec Rock Classics Sound Edition for the Roland TD-11 sound module

A pre-created drum-tec customer account is required to download the Sound Edition.

The drum-tec Sound Editions for Roland modules contain first-class sets which can be loaded additionally to the pre-loaded drumkits. It took quite a lot of time and effort and with great attention to detail we worked relentlessly to really get every bit of sound refinement out of the Roland modules.

Our customers regularly ask us regarding sound manipulation and what their options are to really get the most out of their Roland module. We took this by heart and started aggregating our most loved kits and sounds and started compiling them to Sound Editions. From our experience of being drummers ourselves and incorporating the feedback from our customers we created our own sets for all the important Roland modules. While some sets are just for fun at home others are optimized for the stage.

When installing the drum-tec Sound Edition for your Roland module you do not change or delete the pre-set kits provided by Roland. We rather use the option the create and save user kits to completely exploit the possibilities in sound design and design the best drumsets possible. We get a lot of positive feedback on our Sound Editions which is just incredibly fulfilling.

Included are a list of the available kits as well as instructions on how to load the Sound Edition into your Roland module!

1. Maple Pure
2. Maple Studio
3. Maple Fat
4. Record Pure
5. Record Studio
6. Record Fat
7. DW Pure
8. DW Studio
9. DW Fat
10. Lite Pure
11. Lite Studio
12. Lite Fat
13. Gretsch Pure
14. Gretsch Studio
15. Gretsch Fat
16. Brady Pure
17. Brady Studio
18. Brady Fat
19. Pearl Pure
20. Pearl Studio
21. Pearl Fat
22. Mapex Pure
23. Mapex Studio
24. Mapex Fat
25. Ludwig Pure
26. Ludwig Studio
27. Ludwig Fat
28. Slingerland Pure
29. Slingerland Studio
30. Slingerland Fat

TD-11 Software-Update

Important note: Please check the firmware version of your module. Proceed as follows:

Turn on your module and press "Menu" three times.

  1. The display shows "system" on the right side. Press the function key below.
  2. Navigate with the arrow keys to select "Information". This will show you the currently installed firmware version.

Should your module have a firmware version below 1.11 you will have to update the firmware in order to use the drum-tec Sound Edition. You can get the free TD-11 update at With the download also come instructions on how to install the new firmware.

Module: TD-11

Product Safety Information and Contact

Manufacturer / Distributor:

M&M Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Goldbinnen 1
DE-31840 Hessisch Oldendorf

Reviews 7
Customer reviews
1 Jan 2019

Nahe am Original

Ich mag Rock Sets mit etwas Punch auf Snare und Bass und natürlich klingende akkustische Sets. Beides gibts in den Factory Presets von Roland sehr spärlich.

Diese Sounds Edition hat da für mich mehr als genug zu bieten: 10 Kits in jeweils 3 Versionen, ca. 20 von den 30 Kits benutze ich regelmäßig.

Sorgt dafür das ich mittlerweile immer seltener einen VST verwende weil die Sounds die aus dem Modul kommen zum motivierten üben problemlos reichen.

Klare Kaufempfehlung, für mich beste Sound Edition zum TD11!

25 Dec 2018

Wer mit dem TD11 Schlagzeug spielen will, braucht diese Sound Edition

10 Drumsets, von denen ich 7 sehr gut finde, und die jeweils in 3 Ausführungen. Wenn man die Kits kennt, erkennt man sie in den Presets wieder. Ich habe ca. 15 Drumsets in diesem Set gefunden die ich gerne spiele. Unglaublich das sowas ohne Import von Samples geht.
Wer das E-Drum hauptsächlich benutzt um A-Drums zu emulieren braucht diese Set, für mich um Welten besser als die Presets von Roland oder die "normale" Drum-Tec Sound Edition.

Das ganze hat ca. 30 Euro gekostet und mir wohl hunderte Euros gespaart: sehe nun keinen Bedarf mehr an einem neuen Modul! *g*

13 Dec 2018

Ho scaricato direttamente dal sito il prodotto.......spettacolare! Cio' dimostra quanta passione ci mettono per accontentare tutti noi, suoni eccezionali e soprattutto staff del sito disponibilissimo, preparato, puntuale nelle risposte ad i quesiti posti.

21 Nov 2018

Grandios, Riesenaufwertung fürs TD-11

Die rockt! Ganz ehrlich, nicht mehr weit weg vom TD_17 Sound.
Mir persönlich gefällt das TD-11 sogar besser mit der Rock Edition als das TD-17.
Die Standard Sounds habe ich direkt überschrieben, die sind für die Katz.
Für 29 Euro muss ich auch nicht überlegen ob ich selbst herum programmiere. Danke Drum-Tec!

25 Apr 2018


This rock sound edition is excellent all the products I have purchased has been top quality drumtec are very helpful and there products don't disappoint there customer service is excellent always willing to help I will recommend them to everyone I know who play v drums keep up the good work.

19 Mar 2018



16 Mar 2018

Rock Sound Edition for Roland TD-11

I recently purchased the Sound Edition Roland TD-11 Download package and am pleased with the product (see my review at that item's location). So pleased, in fact, that I decided to buy the Rock Sound Edition for Roland TD-11 too. I downloaded the package yesterday, loaded 10 of the 30 new kits and tried them out. Again, WOW!!! Drum-Tec created 30 new kits that feature the sounds of 10 different drum manufacturers' kits. I owned Ludwig, Pearl and Gretsch acoustic kits in the past. Drum-tec replicated the sounds of these kits to perfection. Now I have a total of 70 kits at my disposal...

I highly recommend Drum-Tec as a merchant. They feature quality products and their Customer Service is among the best that I have ever used.

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